Guaranteed Auto Transport Services

auto transport services

If you’re worried about using a car transport service because you need your car to be at a particular location on a particular date according to your tight business or vacation travel schedule, then you might be curious about the benefits of guaranteed auto transportation services.

Essentially, car transport companies have put a process in place to guarantee that your car arrives at its destination on time and in good condition. They recognize that you’re busy and sometimes need to get your car transported without any delays or hassles. That’s why they offer guaranteed auto delivery services–so that a customer service representative can coordinate closely with the carrier driver and team to check that everything is going according to plan.

Here is a description of how this service works and what to realistically expect.

Defining “Guarantee” in the Transportation Industry

Most people are familiar with the delivery guarantees offered by companies that use UPS, FedEx, or the Postal Service. It is a timeline based on calculating the average time it takes for your order to arrive after you place it online. This guarantee is fairly reliable because there are only a few shipping and handling variables to evaluate.

An auto-delivery service guarantee, however, is slightly different. When it comes to delivery, a company can almost guarantee it will happen on a certain day. Usually, this involves logistic and customer service experts working closely with the carrier driver and work crew to ensure they arrive at their destination on time.

If there is a delay, however, you won’t be able to get your money back. This is not a breach of contract, because the guarantee is based on probabilities. After all, many things are beyond the driver’s control–for instance, traffic could be slowed down by a collision, unexpected changes in the weather could occur, or the carrier could suffer a mechanical failure.

Essentially what a company is guaranteeing is that they will do their best to make sure the carrier crew delivers your vehicle as close to your desired schedule as possible.

What Is Realistically Possible to Expect?

You may be wondering if it’s worth getting a shipping guarantee if unexpected delays could occur. The answer is both yes and no. Most companies cannot guarantee both your pickup and delivery dates, but they may be able to guarantee one or the other.

Although shipping can be affected by a variety of factors, including weather, traffic, and road construction, it is possible to get a more specific window of when your car will be picked up or delivered.

All things considered, getting your car on time is exponentially more likely if you pay a little extra to have the logistics and carrier teams coordinate on your behalf to accommodate your schedule.

Do You Need Guaranteed Auto Transport?

If you’re looking for guaranteed auto transport services, We Will Transport It is here to help. Our professional drivers will transport your car with care and make sure it arrives at its destination on time and in the same condition that you left it with us.

Our professional drivers are available around the clock. They have the transport certifications and licenses–as well as many years of experience–to handle your auto transport needs quickly, safely, and effectively.


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